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Call for Papers: Language and the Creative Mind

Selected papers from the 11th Conceptual Structure, Discourse, and Language conference

We are seeking article submissions from participants in CSDL 11 for a volume of selected papers. As with previous volumes, it will be peer-reviewed and published by CSLI Publications. It is scheduled to come out in the summer of 2013.


Important dates

November 1, 2012

We are asking all prospective authors to submit a Notice of Intent, by sending an e-mail to csdl.2012@ubc.ca. Please include the author’s name/authors names and a preliminary title. This will help us approach the right set of reviewers in advance and have all submissions vetted promptly.


December 1, 2012

Paper submission due date for peer review. Please note that late papers will not be accepted, as we have a tight review and production schedule. Authors should expect to hear back from us in February.



We have to adhere to the templates provided by CSLI Publications.  After we receive your notice of intent, we will send you specific instructions, among others on how to fit your paper into the template. If you are willing to write the paper into the template directly (which is much easier), please download Collections Style Guide part 2 at http://cslipublications.stanford.edu/site/authors.shtml. There is also a PDF sample on the page, if you’d like to view an example of a formatted text.


Submitted articles should be not more than 17 pages long, including figures, references and notes.



The volume intends to represent the overall range of topics discussed at the conference. Also, individual articles should be based on the papers actually presented. We understand that the articles submitted can deviate from presented content to some degree, but we cannot accept papers on new topics.


We look forward to your submissions,

Barbara Dancygier, Mike Borkent, and Jennifer Hinnell

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

Faculty of Arts - Department of Englsh
397 - 1873 East Mall,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z1, Canada

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